Article 1 To strengthen non-governmental participation and to effectively use money from fundraising in social welfare businesses to improve the welfare of Taipei city residents, Taipei City (hereinafter referred to as the City) have drawn up the self-governance articles presented below. Article 2 The Department of Social Welfare of Taipei City (hereinafter as the Social Welfare Department) is the competent authority of the self-governance articles. Article 3 Taipei City Government's Non-Governmental Resources Incorporated Social Welfare Fund Account (hereinafter as the Account) shall be used exclusively for keeping the following funds: 1.Endowments given by individuals or groups for specific social welfare businesses; 2.Social relief funds from fundraising; 3.Interest income from the Account. Article 4 The Account shall be opened at the authorized agent bank of the City Treasury. Article 5 Funds from the Account shall be used according to the following regulations: 1.Endowments assigned to a specific recipient with a concretely stated purpose and which either have an authorized nature or are to be transferred to another party shall be processed according to the collections and payment transfer accounting procedure and the intention of the donors shall be respected. The use of the funds shall not be restricted to the annual budget limit. 2.Endowments without a specific recipient or a concrete purpose shall be incorporated into and processed as part of the annual budget, with both the incomes and the expenditures listed. Article 6 Interest derived from the Account as well as that remaining from using an endowment for its assigned purpose(s), shall be incorporated into and processed as part of the annual budget with both the incomes and the expenditures listed. Article 7 Incentives for donors making contributions to the Account shall be set up by the Social Welfare Department. Article 8 The incomes and expenditures fundraised for the Account should be made public monthly. Article 9 The self-governance articles shall be implemented on the day of promulgation.